These two traditions have a lot in
common and most probably they have a common origin, probably Indian. In China there
are Microcosmic and Macrocosmic circular orbits of Taoist mystical tradition.
In India there is tradition of Kundalini Tantra with prana (cosmic universal
energy in Indian philosophy and Yoga) making full circular orbit. This orbit
has strong resemblance to Microcosmic orbit of Chi (cosmic universal energy) in
Chinese concept of Taoism.
From the book “The Subtle Energy Body: The Complete Guide” by
Maureen Lockhart, Ph.D.
From the book “Taoist Secrets of Love” by Mantak Chia
From the book “Kundalini Tantra” by Swami Satyananda Saraswati
All these models are slightly
different and there are also other models, Chinese and Indian, with some minute
differences. These models actually has nothing with actual, physical motion of
the body as our eye can catch it. These models mostly will not work for
not-human body. Their existence is a result of education and guided
imagination. I believe these models originally were created as a result of
observation of real human motion, but during the time formalization changed the
pictures and today these models lost their connection with observable physical
As I already mentioned in previous
chapters that the model of ISAI, Fish Play, is based completely on observation.
This model is a product of physical world. It can be felt internally and in the
same time can be seen externally as a physical motion. This is a one of the
most important differences between ISAI and other teachings.
The natural motion of the body has
universal general form (often mentioned as morphology). Important thing is that
this form is 3D form. It means that the form, extended more or less in
different directions, will be seen from the front, from behind, from the sides,
from the above, from the below and from all possible angles. The same principle
motion will be seen in the same time from all directions. This is a very
important quality of the motion. This is a “must” quality if we speak about
natural, universal motion. We call it universal morphology. The perfect
universal masterpiece of the Creator or Evolution can’t be seen and
distinguished only from one special angle. Even more than that - if we see
different forms from different angles the reason for that is that we still
don’t understand what we see. The form of the motion of the object depends on
the motion and orientation of the observer. In most cases we have to imagine
how the motion will be seen from different directions by moving observer. To do
it one needs special and rare quality called spatial imagination. Unfortunately
only very few of us has highly developed spatial imagination.
Back to the Chinese and Indian
models of the internal energy motion - obviously they have no universal
morphology. Contrary to them model of ISAI, Fish Play, has it. I will discuss
later the model of Fish Play as a model of the internal energy motion.
There are also another models of
motion, which we can find spiritual traditions of different cultures.
One such commonly accepted model of
motion is a spiral. Some Eastern traditions, like that of Aikido, speak about
universal spiral motion. The spiral is a sequence of numerous Fish Play forms
performed in pairs. Every pair consists of opposite directions (clockwise –
counter clockwise directions). The form of spiral received if this sequence
watched from some angles and looks different if watched from other directions.
For example if we observe spiral from its axis facing to its starting point we
will see a lot of connected circles. Obviously spiral is not a universal
Another model of spiritual motion is
lemniscate, known as also as a symbol of eternity or infinity.
Infinity Euler Symbol
This is a special form of Fish Play.
It has a universal morphology, but still it is not the general model of motion.
Another model is a swastika which
has a very long history. Swastika is a
form derived or closely connected to lemniscate. It’s a symbolic form of motion.
Armenian eternity symbol - Makaravank 7th century
AD. It can be considered as 3 Taiji clockwise symbols integrated in one circle.
It can be also considered as integration of curved swastikas in one circle
The curved swastika
Ancient Civilization of Indus Valley
- Swastika Seal
One of the most important model of
the motion is Taiji or Yin-Yang. This is a closest “relative” of Fish Play
model and actually can be considered as a special form of Fish Play. Contrary
to what usually folks think this symbol was popular not only in China.
Chinese Taiji (Yin-Yang) symbol
Celtic Gold plated Disc, early 4
Century BC
Ornamental Bronze Plaque, Celtic
Horse gear, 1C. AD
Celtic Bronze Disc. It can be
considered as 6 Taiji clockwise symbols integrated in one circle
I believe all these symbols born out
of the intuitive feeling of universal motion. It is still not generalized form
as it represented by Fish Play model, but it is great artistic, philosophical
and spiritual expression of phenomenon of universal natural motion as human eye
can see it and as human being can feel it.
When we speak about internal issues
like internal motion or internal energy we have to rely completely on our inner
eye or our feeling of internal processes. There are specialized mechanisms in
our bodies that make us possible to feel the motion and location in space of
our body and its parts. We call them proprioception and vestibular mechanism.
We also can feel our skin (derma) tension. The spinal nerve system innervates
skin, producing on the skin belt-like areas, so that each belt corresponds to
different vertebrae.
The dermatome innervation map
During the natural inhalation or
exhalation the torso, neck and head perform gentle motions, which can be
described by Fish Play model. These motions cause waves of tensions and
relaxations of the skin covering the body. These tensions and relaxations send
feedback innervation signals to the vertebra. These signals will produce in
vertebra and skin ascending wave during the inhalation and descending wave during
the exhalation. Some authors describe by means of this mechanism the Kundalini,
the mystic serpent power of Yogis, ascending and descending along vertebra.
Let’s investigate the diagram of
Fish Play of the body.
Fish Play of the
Fish Play of the
Consider please the
pic. Fish play of the body. During the inhalation the air and external
energy (red lines) follows the routes of low pressure and tension, produced
inside the body and fill it. The areas of high tension (blue lines) starts with
extension of the torso from point 2 to point 1 and flexion of the neck from
point 1 to point 3. The inhalation ends with beginning of extension of the neck
from point 1 to point 3 and flexion of the torso from point 1 to point 2. This
process produces the feeling of ascending internal energy wave moving along the
During the
exhalation expelled air and energy produce and follow the areas with high
tension (red lines) within the body in its way out to the lower pressure. This
will be felt as descending energy wave and starts with extension of the neck
from point 1 to point 3 and flexion of the torso from point 1 to point 2 (blue lines). The exhalation ends with
beginning of flexion of the neck from point 1 to point 3 and extension of the
torso from point 1 to point 2. Therefore during the motion of the natural
breathing the end of inhalation is a start of exhalation and the end of
exhalation is a start of inhalation.
The energy circle
within the head can be also detaled and represented as Fish Play – please see
the pic. Fish play of the
This process in
whole creates the feeling of circling energy within the body close to its
surface and in the same some people can feel the stream of energy ascending and
descending along the vertebra. This is internal energy motion and its feeling.
vestibular and vision mechanisms provide us with the feeling of external
motion, its form and speed. This is external energy motion and its feeling.
We have to remember
that all processes I depictured and described here and in all other chapters are
3D processes. It means that even the pictures of Fish Play show us 2D model of
internal energy flow only in midsagittal plane in the reality the motion can be
simultaneously seen and internally felt in two additional planes – frontal and
horizontal. If sit quietly these two planes will be undistinguishable. But
every motion in the space includes rotations, flexions and extensions of the
body, head and their parts also in these two planes.
There is the same theoretical
and practical model for internal and external energy motion. Moving naturally
we see and feel the same path. Both of them harmoniously blending in one inseparable
entity, supporting and nourishing each other, making us
feeling wonderful ecstatic experience.
feeling wonderful ecstatic experience.
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